Here is an entry on some tips on taking kids' photos from Janet of Mum the Photographer. Thank you Janet for your contribution.
My sister-in-law and I started
Mum the Photographer
as a way of sharing our passion for photographing our own children.
We’re not about taking perfect photos (in fact mine are often far from
perfect!) but more about remembering to capture our children and their
personalities in their everyday lives.
I think about taking photos of my own children I realise that broadly
they fall into three scenarios – posed, planned and impromptu.
Posed Photos.
To be honest, I don’t often take posed photos of my children. It can be
quite tricky to get them looking natural. Tricky but not impossible.
Firstly, I find a well-lit place in my house and free it from clutter –
the general everyday things we have in our houses like a few letters,
pens, newspapers, a stray toy or two. These things can be distracting in
the background of a photo. Once I’ve got my spot ready, I then get my
son over as there is no point having them wait around while I get
prepared. I will face my son towards the window so that the light is
captured in his eyes. But I don’t pick up my camera straight away. Even
my sons who have been photographed thousands and thousands of times
don’t have a natural smile at the ready as soon as my camera comes up.
You need some easy interaction first. You will know your own child the
best – in my case a bit of ribbing can work, or tickling, or having them
pull their silliest face and showing them mine etc. Once they’ve
relaxed my camera then comes out and I take about 10 – 20 photos while
still interacting with them. If I’m taking a posed photo it is generally
for a reason – in this case it was to capture his first missing front
tooth. I chose to have his face almost entirely fill the frame. If I’d
pulled back a bit, there wouldn’t have been as much focus drawn to his

Planned photos. This
is often my approach to taking photos of my children because as “Mum
the Photographer” my goal is to create a strong photographic record of
my children as they grow up. I read Gretchin rubin’s book “The Happiness
Project” and her quote “the days are long but the years are short” has
really stuck with me. I want photos to help me remember exactly how my
children were growing up. I don’t really get that from posed photos –
sure, I can see what their face was like when they lost their first
tooth, but sitting on a chair smiling isn’t really how they spend their
time. So if it’s not an impromptu activity, I’ll often bring the
activity they are doing to a place in my house with great light. Why not
give yourself the best opportunity to capture a great photo. And apart
from again clearing distracting clutter away from the background, that
is all the planning I’ll do to get the photo. I won’t ask the boys to
hold the toy in a certain way, or look this way, or arrange the blocks
so that their colour pattern is pleasing. I want to get a photo of how
they are playing … because all too soon, this phase of play will have
passed and they’ll be onto something else. I want real memories in my
albums and on my walls. Other planned photos I take will often be
outside, late in the afternoon when the light is soft. Again, I won’t
direct how they should play, but rather capture them as they are running
off their late afternoon steam.

Impromptu photos.
These are those photos you take where there is absolutely no planning
or posing at all. They are completely natural, and I think sometimes the
absolute best photos in your album. They might not be the clearest
photos because perhaps your light wasn’t great but there is no point
asking your child at this stage to stop what they are doing and relocate
to near the nice big window. It’s also in these times that you grab
whatever camera you have nearby and mostly for me, these are the photos
I’ll snap on my iPhone. I make a point of seldom using my flash when I
take photos but impromptu photos are when I may well use a flash and an
auto setting just so that I can capture the funny or precious moment. I
recently had one of these moments on a plane … Will giggled
uncontrollably for about 5 minutes over a joke. He was so infectious
that the people around us started laughing too. This blurry photo is one
of my favourites from over our school holidays.

you’d like more information on how to best optimise your light for
taking posed or planned photos, then “take a peek” at our lighting
module from our home page. (
love for you to join our “Mum the Photographer” community … check out
our bog and facebook page for weekly tips on improving your photos and
interesting ways in which to create a photographic record of your child
as they grow up. If there is something that you think would help you out
when taking photos of your own children please get in touch with us on
facebook or email
All the best
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