
Saturday, 26 October 2013

TIP: Whitening Socks

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As it is well known to us all by now, white socks start changing colour in time. To whiten them once again, boil them in lemon and water mixture.


  1. Hmmm great tip. thank you! :)

  2. Quite useful, isn't it? (especially for people with young kids like you and I. You can never have enough tips to whiten the not-so-white-anymore!)

  3. Awesome tip. Master 7 wears them to school and weekends and they are looking a little dirty. What ratios should I use?

  4. I hope you can get more use out of the current white socks Master 7 has using this tip Jane. About a large potful of water and some lemon slices (approximately one lemon) should do the trick. You can also whiten your linen with this method as well. Good luck!


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