
Monday 7 October 2013

A Photography Challenge

Less than a couple of weeks ago, I put my hand up for a link party, my first ever linky party to be exact. The lovely lady, Ipek, from Hep Yesil blog invited us all to a photography challenge. The idea was to photograph what made us happy or what inspired us over a period of time. Here is my contribution.

Day 1 (Mon, the 30th Sept): 
Scooting around

My son, who has recently turned 5, wanted to have a 'boys' time alone with his father. He is surely growing up fast! Soon after my husband came home from work they went out together. It was the first time Mr. Junior had ever been to a cinema. They watched the 'Planes' at the cinemas, played some games, bought him some plane toys and dined out. My son had popcorn which he didn't enjoy much and hubby ended up eating it all. Meanwhile, Miss Junior, who is 2,5 years old, wasn't impressed that she was left behind and was upset for a while. It was a windy day but I took her outside regardless. We ran around, went for an egg hunt and she also went on her brother's scooter. She only learned to ride the scooter the day before. She was quite happy by the time we came back home after that.

Day 2 (Tuesday, the 1st of Oct): Lost chicken flyer

Miraculously, we found our lost chicken after her disappearance almost two weeks ago! We had registered her as a lost pet with the council, talked to some of our neighbours, and gone around looking for her in the first days. Later on, we printed out some flyers and with the kids, we walked around in our neighbourhood and dropped them off in mailboxes as well as at a nearby fast-food store while a lovely friend of mine, a beautiful lady from the same community helped us out by putting up some posters at local shopping centres and the vet. We got a call from a lady who happened to be one of our neighbours saying that she found the chicken in her garden and kept her for a week. When they found her, she was cornered by their pet dog and both the dog and the chicken had no idea what to do with the other. They were both afraid of each other (luckily!). They let her out in the garden during the day and kept her in the laundry at nights. When they lost hope in finding the owners, they gave it to a priest friend of theirs who had other chickens. Once they saw our flyer in their mailbox, they called us using the number we had left. She then arranged it with their friend who returned our little 'girl' safely. She is now a bit quieter than usual but seems to be healthy and happy to be back at home.

Day 3 (Wednesday, the 2nd of Oct):reversible bag and pencil cases by MADE BY  Y

We had yet another windy and rainy day. It was quite cold too and we chose to stay at home today. I had the motivation to make so many things but only had the time to complete a few craft projects. I definitely enjoyed working on the reversible tote bag but I think I am addicted to making pencil cases these days.

Day 4 (Thursday, the 3rd of Oct):Some drink and dessert

We had a great time meeting up with some friends over a cup of coffee.

Day 5 (Friday, the 4th of Oct):breakfast and a bib by MADE BY Y

A good friend of mine that I met during my postgraduate studies years ago, who also coincidentally became a colleague a few years later, was over for breakfast but we had such great time that we ended up spending most of the day together. I find our conversations to be inspirational, fun and real with her every time we are together. After such a beautiful day, I also had a great night. A handmade item of mine was sold soon after a showcase that I participated in commenced.

Day 6 (Saturday, the 5th of Oct): french knot cushion cover and bib by MADE BY Y

After getting my son's haircut and also going to one of his friends' birthday party, I indulged myself in finishing a brand new project, a cushion cover, and also a bib that I had started a few days ago. I must admit, as much as it can get a bit painful to work with french knots, a part of me is in love with them.

Day 7 (Sunday, the 6th of Oct):renovation ideas - study and bedroom

I am definitely not the best person to handle sleeplessness well. I had a late night on Friday and today, I have started feeling sick. It is very likely that my immune system weakened and I will be suffering from a mild case of cold for a while. Well, it is not too bad for the moment. So, I still did most of the things that I was hoping to do today; weekly shopping with the family and working on ideas for a minor renovation at home. We also had our first 'family movie afternoon' today. It was quite fun except the fact that our little daughter slept halfway through and our preschooler son was not really impressed with our choice of movie. It was a totally different feeling for us to be able to sit down and watch a movie with our kids and we definitely made the most of this great experience.


  1. Mrs. Lucky,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to participate in my link party! I enjoyed reading about your daily life and loved your craft projects! Seems like you have such a good life with lots of handmade stuff. How lovely! And I agree that handmade is the best! :)

  2. Ipek, it was actually quite fun. I normally take daily photos anyway but your activity increased my awareness and made me a bit more focused than usual while taking photos. Thank you!

  3. Oh, I do love the use of your French knots on your heart cushion cover and the bib is adorable too :)

  4. Thank you Vicki :-) They both make me smile.


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