
Tuesday 6 December 2011


Here is some further notes from a Positive Parenting course (I have posted some other notes previously)

I have no doubt that we all know that we should take time for ourselves for a healthy lifestyle and to be able to help our loved ones better but sometimes we need to be reminded of it.


Self care is important because;
  • this is the only self you ever have
  • you deserve yourself at your best
  • this is a gift you give to others
  • it builds and demonstrates self-respect and our entitlement or be treated with respect by others

Some suggestions:
  • write
  • paint, draw
  • read,
  • exercise,
  • play an instrument,
  • visit a museum,
  • take lessons,
  • engage in your favourite hobby,
  • go to the gym,
  • go for a long walk,
  • paper yourself and go to the hairdressers,
  • take a bubble bath,
  • watch a movie,
  • read a trashy novel or good book,
  • listen to music,
  • paint your toenails,
  • cook your favourite meal, or try a new recipe,
  • wear a nice perfume,
  • simply take a nap,
  • get in touch with a supportive friend or relative,
  • meditate or pray,
  • do some gardening,
  • dance - play your favourite music with a good beat and dance to it,
  • do something new,
  • check out a yoga video or DVD from your local library, and make time to do it,
  • daydream,
  • smile,
  • set a timer, close your eyes, and breathe deeply for five minutes,
  • sit outside and breathe fresh air and enjoy the sun on your face,
  • get up fifteen minutes early so you can linger over a cup of coffee,
  • bake a scrumptious dessert just for you,
  • re-read something that has been especially encouraging to you,
  • write in a journal,
  • go to a park and sit on the swings with your kids,
  • go to bed an hour early,
  • watch the sunset,
  • listen to soothing music,
  • grow something, such as a house plant or fresh herbs,
  • sit with a cup of hot chocolate or some hot tea,
  • give yourself permission to say 'no' to something you really don't have time for or are not interested in,
  • say 'yes' to something you'd really like to do,
  • express your creativity,
  • lend a hand to someone in need,
  • hug your kids!
Have a type of day that you deserve!

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